The Absolutely Amazing,

Totally True History


Steve Never Came

Hi there…this is Jay Rossman, guitarist and vocalist from Steve Never Came. Thanks for coming to visit our page, and supporting us in all we do. Anyway, Ed told me that I should write a history of the band. I thought that wasn't a bad idea because it actually is a pretty cool story. So here it is, the complete, unedited [Well, slightly edited -Ed] story of the band Steve Never Came.

Dirk Maurer and I have been friends since I first moved to Waynesboro, PA when I was three. Although he has always gone to a different school than me, we always lived right down the street from each other and have remained close friends all this time. I picked up guitar when I was thirteen, and soon I was good enough to play along to some songs. Some days Dirk would come over, I would play some chords, and he would just sit there tapping on the computer desk with pencils while we harassed Germans on mIRC. [Note: Steve Never Came has no hostilities toward Germans] Anyway, we had a lot of fun doing that, me playing some chords and Dirk grabbing any spare instrument (Ukuleles included) and playing along.

Anyway, one day in December of '97, Dirk called me up and said there was this one drummer from his school who lived in Hagerstown. He had a mind, he said, to take me up there and let me meet this guy. By this point, I had said to Dirk many times of my intentions of putting a band together. Dirk actually didn't play any instrument at this point, but he wanted to play bass. So we took the 30-minute trek up to Nick's house, where I first saw Mr. Kline himself. I can't really remember much from that first meeting, except that the first thing we played was "Beauty of Gray" by Live. Or maybe it was "Lightning Crashes"…. At any rate, it was just me sitting there pounding out the chords, Nick banging away behind the drums, and Dirk singing. The next time we got together, we actually did record "Lightning Crashes" with Dirk singing and playing a bass track on my guitar on Nick's four track, but we were never able to find it again.

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