
October 29, 1999

Added some new links to the "Links" page

October 23, 1999

Put up another pic. Go here to see it.

September 22, 1999

Added something to "The Steve Page"...take a look and see if you can find what it is...

September 18, 1999

Steve now has his own page in the Bio section...look to see all the crazy things that develop there...

September 12, 1999

Added Nigel's bio page and updated the repertoirre and gear list.

June 23, 1999

As you've probably noticed, the website has undergone a little format change. I hope it's easier to navigate now. Just click on the links on the bottom of each page. I've also added a few new pages such as the News, Gear, and Links sections. My scanner has decided not to work so I haven't been able to put up any of the old pics yet, but I did manage to get some pics of our concert, so be sure to check those out.

April 22, 1999

Mike's bio page is now up. I'll put up his picture and many others soon...

April 17, 1999

Ok, time for another update finally. A lot of stuff has happened since the last update. For starters, we've added another member to the band. We all welcome Mike Robson, a man of many talents, who will be a secondary percussionist. Look for his bio page to be up soon.

In other news,Steve Never Came was invited to play against six other bands at the Battle of the Bands at the North Hagerstown High School (which I just got back from). Guess who took 1st place? That's right. We went out there and put on a great performance. I'll put up some pics as soon as I get them scanned.

I'd also like to say hi to our friends in Hotrod Otis. These guys are incredible. Be sure to visit their homepage at http://members.aol.com/hotrodotis/

February 21, 1999

Well, I added the "updates" page today. Not much else. I also put a link to a picture of my car not too long ago. Go to "Ed's Bio" to check it out.