Mike's Bio

Pic coming soon!

Full Name: Michael William Robson

A.K.A.: Mike, Jack, "best friend", that kid with a drum on his waist

Currently Goes By: the drug store on the way to your mom's house

Born: *Cowbell* Town on December 2, 1980

Role in SNC: Second percussionist (congas, djembe), bassist when Dirk is busy, guitarist when needed or when my hands hurt too much to hit a drum or just a third guitarist, and hauler of equipment and provider of a PA system (much to the dislike of the other members I am also a dispenser of insults and a reminder of painful memories for the fun of those not bearing the brunt of the humor)

Current Teachers: Secret Agent Man

Current Vehicles: '93 Ford Taurus, also hauls equipment in Chevy Astro

Favorite Bands: Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Radiohead, too many to name

Favorite CD's: "Idiot Computer" Radiohead live

Favorite Color: black

Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons

Favorite Simpsons Characters: Ralph, Apu, Homer

Favorite Rootbeer: IBC regular in the bottles

Favorite Snack Food: Nachos

Favorite Pastime: (besides music) partaking of humor

Favorite Kind of Women: attractive ones that aren't bitchy and don't have that odd "I love Nick and Jay disease..."

ICQ#: 29454111

E-mail Address: mwrobson@yahoo.com also mwrobson@hotmail.com but that is getting on my nerves

Previous Job: slave boy at the local Dairy Queen

Facts: I will be attending James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA this fall. I really am an actual member of the band Steve Never Came which is openly supported by the VLC. I am a founding member of Lazy I Scholarship Foundation. I am not as stupid, ugly, dumb, idiotic, etc.... as every body else says......really. I like getting e-mail so write me.


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